Quote of the day

"When I despair, I remember that all through history,
the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and
murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fall.
Think of it. Always."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Song of the day brought to you by The Killers

Forever Mine - Mash up poem written in high school

You are like my soul; a butterfly of a dream
Dark river-beds where the eternal thirst flows
And weariness follows, and the infinitive ache.

My soul is not satisfied that it has lost you
I have said that you sang in the wind, songs eternally in flight
And this is all.

In the distance, you sing, in the distance
And I am happy!
Happy that it's not true
Happy that you are forever mine

You Make me Feel...

(wrote this a while back)

...like I'm the only boy in the world...

Dead when you're away - mundanely trudging through the sludge of life
Alive when you're near - everyday obstacles are easily conquered

...like a million dollars...

Walking, talking cliches of destined, star-crossed lovers
Powerful enough to do as we please

...like it's us against the world...

We're fighting for Survival
In a place that doesn't want to be Saved

...things I find't know existed...

Words like Love and Trust never held such weight
My Desires and Experiences are NOTHING without you to share them with
