Quote of the day

"When I despair, I remember that all through history,
the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and
murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fall.
Think of it. Always."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Perception of Relationships

Relationships are an interesting thing.  Sexual orientation aside, they can be a real pain in the ass. However, being gay, we have get the fun of being able to date each other’s exes, adding a whole new dimension to the drama that is a relationship. Oh, and there’s way less of us too. Besides those couple differences, I agree that they’re relatively the same. It always seems like there’s some ridiculous power play occurring; that there has to be one person who’s always “on top”. That someone is always “better” than the other whether it’s only a perception or a reality. I don’t get why people can’t view themselves as equals. And I don’t mean by looks or personality. I mean it in the sense that there’s a balance. One person may be more attractive while the other is more intelligent, or one person is deeply afraid of being alone while the other has no problem with such neediness. This list could go on but I think the point has been made; without a sense of equality, one person will always be extremely self-conscious. Then there’s the issue of honesty/trust. One person is always afraid to say something for fear of how the other will react, or one person will deliberately test the other simply for their own gains while the other will see it as a game. Others still will say that they want complete honesty but as soon as you try to give it, there’s a demonic outburst of denial. No matter what way you look at it, someone’s feelings always get hurt, so it basically comes down to how well you know yourself. If you know yourself well, then you’re either able to defend the unjustified claim in a calm, collected manner, or take the honest critique and try to make adjustments in your own life to improve yourself as an individual and ultimately, improve the relationship. I merely think that being honest about how you feel can reduce that hurt in the long run. But please, don’t try to “sugarcoat” it. Sugar only adds unnecessary confusion to the mix.  I’d rather have the hard truth than waste time thinking everything is ok. If you can be up front and honest with me, I’ll do you the same courtesy, simple as that. No? Still don’t want to hurt that person’s feelings? Chances are they’ve been hurt before by someone else so now you’ve either become just another asshole to them, or you move on and become more comfortable with the way things are progressing. That’s how a relationship could become “easy” to me. (Besides those couples of course who say relationships are supposed to be easy while their relationship has been anything but.) Then there’s the issue of sexual affairs and how it almost seems to be an inevitability that someone is bound to “cheat”.  Yes, there’s always a reason or an “excuse” depending on how you look at it, so then why be surprised when it happens to you? Why get jealous? Shouldn’t that tell you a little bit about humans in general? Could it tell you that perhaps, just maybe, we’re not meant to be monogamous and that for the majority of the population, it’s near impossible to do so? But then it’s like this, if you’re always expecting the worst in people, you’re going to be constantly surprised by someone who is genuinely nice and doesn’t want to play games or be tested. So then you feel like an idiot for expecting the worst while the other person can’t wrap their head around why you’d be thinking these terrible, untrue thoughts. This then all brings us back to the discussion of honesty. So why not give up as many dark/dirty/painful secrets as makes sense sooner rather than later? Wouldn’t it then be easier to understand why someone reacts/behaves in a certain way? Chances are that person may be able to relate to you more than you think, especially considering the magnitude of the human population.  Or at the very least, despite whether or not you stay together, give an honest explanation for the way you behaved after you feel you’ve been hurt/attacked because then that person may actually learn from their mistakes instead of wondering what the fuck they did wrong and hopefully breaking the cycle of pain. I write these contemplations because I don’t want to become a cynical, bitter, jaded college grad joining the rest of society, but the more I come to find out about this world, the harder it is to deny such sentiments.

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