Quote of the day

"When I despair, I remember that all through history,
the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and
murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fall.
Think of it. Always."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Song of the day brought to you by Tokyo Police Club

LOVE this band

The Ill-fated Katana of Destiny

Of all the things you could've said
I never imagined that
Never considered the way it would cut me to the core
Split clean through; not a single drop upon withdrawal

A beautiful weapon, we both agreed
Thoughtfully crafted and designed without malign intent
But powerful beyond reason
Especially if the bearer is improperly trained

All I can do is stare in awe
As your emotion shifts
Slipping from an ecstatic fury
Into that of a lost pup

I reach out for one last touch
A fleeting remembrance of all we had
All that is
And all that could've been

Flashing picture shows flood my vision
Until I can no longer see
But I knew this moment would come
So then why am I surprised?

Thursday, December 1, 2011


A powerful word, most would agree
To start a war or restrict the free
It's easy to take if the justification is there
Or better yet, if you just don't care.

But when it's held like a dagger to the throat,
I hope to God I just don't choke
On the blood gurgling out like water from a spout
A red river of memories all spurting out.

But only happy ones of course,
The ones that make you want to scream and shout!

To escape the loud voices that fill my head
Confusing me to the point to where I wish I was dead
No longer afraid of the end I watch as the tunnel closes in
The light diminishes and I just can't seem to win

The race, it appears, I'll always lose
So desperate and lonely I remember the booze
But I know I can't choose such a terrible drug
Because it'll only make me feel as if I've caught a flu bug.

So then what else is there to be done?
But move on and try having a little fun
Which is always easier said then done.

So I sit here with all this knowledge flowing between my ears
And I just want to forget all these old fears
That I'd since buried but now seep to the surface
Making me loose my sense of purpose.

So again I cry out hoping someone will understand
That I've lost sight of the master plan,
The grand design, my place in all of this,
And all I want is to feel his sweet kiss
Just to forget about all of this.

Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand in Mine

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sticks and Stones

If you...

Call me a faggot - Your words won't pierce my shield
Break my leg - I'll remember how to walk
Watch me fail - I'll learn how to pick myself up
Push me too far - I'll push right back
Don't believe in me - He will

But if you drive a stake through my heart
I may as well be dust on the wind
Forever wandering and alone
With no one to ever catch hold
Of my loving heart

Friday, October 21, 2011

Trailer of the day - Being Elmo

This looks soooo cute!!!

Song of the day brought to you by The Givers

Saw them at 7th street entry in Minneapolis at the end of the summer and they kicked ass! It was also the first concert my sister and I attended together and we had the most fun ever!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Trailer of the day - Margin Call

Ooooo fresh meat, hahaha. We have a newbie director/writer on our hands! With a film coming out during Oscar season and a leading cast of Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, and freshly out Zachary Quinto, this film has A LOT of promise!!!

Song of the day brought to you by The Joy Formidable

Hopefully gonna go spend the weekend with my buddy down in Texas and see this band the first weekend of November!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trailer of the day - The Three Musketeers

I don't know how many more remakes they can make... Of course I'm still gonna see it because of how awesome it looks and the cast of course but still, haha.

Song of the day brought to you by Matt & Kim

My old roomie Dwight posted this on my facebook page and made me remember how awesome this vid was so I had to make this the song of the day. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Trailer of the day - The Big Year

Not really my kind of comedy but I know people will like it; it does look pretty cute.

Song of the day brought to you by Our Lady Peace

Sorry guys, finally got a vga cord for nic's computer :) Of course this song makes me think of him too, had it on repeat for a while now... enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trailer of the day - Trespass

Not the biggest fan of Nic Cage but I LOVE Nicole and the director, Joel Schumacher, was the creator of Phone booth, but then again, he also did Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, so we shall see.

Song of the day brought to you by Coldplay

Monday, October 10, 2011

Three poems written my junior year of High School and edited now


Over the vast Atlantic
To the land of the "free"
Across the country of the brave
Upon reaching the land of ten thousand lakes
Within an abundantly magical city
Along a not so quiet street
You'll find me on the corner of 54th
At home

Treasure Chest

Between heaven and hell
During the darkest of nights
Underneath the star blown sky
In a wide, flowing, grassy field
Toward the center of this ocean
Next to the base of a lone oak
You'll find it

The Unseen

By way of tedious transport
Through the narrow, winding streets
Past the fountain of the hero
To the market full of loud, bustling bodies
Across the pasture of crooning cows
Towards a solitary house
Beneath the creaky wooden floor boards
Lies only darkness

Trailer of the day - La piel que habito

Yay! Antonio Banderas in a role where he speaks his native tongue! I'm sold! Hahaha.

Song of the day brought to you by Explosions in the Sky

I know I said I'd give you a song by the chain gang but I'm seeing my second and final concert for my weekend back home with my best friend at, you guessed it, First Avenue. The band? Explosions in the sky. A sweet four piece that is completely instrumental. Two guitarists, a bassist, and a guy on drums. They've apparently been trying to find a singer the entire twelve year, six record career, and I'm glad they haven't. Give them a listen and I promise you won't be disappointed!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Shout out to my mixed blood kin

Powerful and accurate portrayal of our lives as depicted by a student from my high school (at least something we go through feeling).

As you look at a person who is of mixed race, do you ever consider what they feel everyday? I wonder if people notice we're different from the rest of them, or that we never had a "type" with which we completely fit in. What are we supposed to call ourselves when we never really had a name? And we can't run to our parents for help because they are the ones who made us exist. It's hard acting like both black and white because those races are very different. Both are very fun in their very own different ways, but when you're hanging with your black people and white friends come up, they don't mix well, and you're stuck in the middle. I can't really say I'm jealous about someone's skin color because, like me, they didn't get to choose who they are, but I guess you can say I'm kind of envious they don't have this one little thing stressing them out.

Trailer of the day - The Thing

Haven't seen the original but the remake doesn't look too bad.

Song of the day brought to you by The Naked and Famous

Saw these guys for the second time (first time was at lolla this year) with my best friend from back home at First Avenue in Minneapolis. I LOVE this venue because of it's intimacy and these guys ROCKED OUT!!! They were so humble and very surprised at how warmly us 612ers accepted them. The opening band The Chain Gang of 1974 also put on a solid performance, I'll put on a song by them tomorrow.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Trailer of the day - Dirty Girl

Doesn't have the greatest rating on imdb but it still looks like a lot of fun!

Song of the day brought to you by The Dodos

I guess yesterday I took the day off, I don't have internet at my place regularly on account of my computer beings stolen and my boyfriends computer not working so that's why I've been a little slow lately. But without further ado, here's today's song!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Song of the day brought to you by Matt & Kim


Trailer of the day - Drive

This opened last month but my friend just watched it and said it was brilliant and I trust his judgement. Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan are AMAZING too so I definitely need to check this flick out myself as well.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Trailer of the day - The Human Centipede 2

Hahaha, hell yes they made a second one! Saw the first, not as disgusting as you'd think... Pretty funny actually...

Song of the day brought to you by Breaking Benjamin

Sorry guys, got kinda addicted to fable 2 and I'm busy with class on tuesdays...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Patience (A Virtuous Tale) - I wrote this this morning

I learned from watching you
One of those things I picked up and amplified to an unhealthy extreme
Whether waiting in line,
Delineating instruction,
Or driving around town

He's told me to breathe, to slow down

I've tried, HARD
I keep trying

It's a constant struggle to re-evaluate myself;
To take a step back and comprehend
That some things just don't work out the way you'd like
And that sometimes you won't have control

That's OK
Giving up that control is a feat;
A feat I cannot accomplish without help
YOUR help

I've learned to distract myself
I can still move at the speed of sound
Even if everyone else can't break the barrier

So I distract myself
Sometimes with the mundane
Other times with a challenge
But I distract myself

I distract myself to the point that I've slowed down on the inside
But not on the out
So, again, I pretend
I put on a show

Very few know the show of which I speak
Only they can tell and won't applaud when I bow
Without them, I'm lost
I'd get lost in my show,
Never again able to connect and forever alone
But, as they say, the show must go on

Trailer of the day - Real Steel

Maybe? Looks kinda cool, I like Hugh Jackman...

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! AD freak out!

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! This is seriously one of the best show's EVER! My top 3 comedic shows are Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, and Arrested Development
New episodes and Movie

Song of the day brought to you by The Bravery


Check out this blog! ---> Spontaneous Human Thought

Hey guys, so while I do put out a lot of movie trailers I don't really have the time to actually watch all of these movies. But I was recently directed to a new blog by a guy named Adam that does a TON of movie and television reviews that are REALLYGOOD so you should check that out if you're interested!

Spontaneous Human Thought

Friday, September 30, 2011

Trailer of the day - Courageous

Haven't heard of Alex Kendrick but it looks like he's done some decent work and this looks like a potential break out film for him. A cool lookin father piece if you will. Enjoy!

Song of the day brought to you by Tegan and Sara

I'm a HUGE lyrics person. Each song I put up I know the message the song is trying to convey and I FEEL it! I think I get this, again, from my English teachers in high school forcing me to analyze poetry, novels, and everything in between to the point where you know absolutely ANY direction that this person could be coming from, but which point of view is the one that fits the BEST with the words written. LOVE  THESE CHICKS!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Horoscope Today

Seriously, these horoscopes are starting to freak me out! You guys should seriously consider checking this site out!

My Horoscope 9-29

Trailer of the day - What's Your Number?

Hookay, so, this could be cute. Anna Farris is a pretty funny chick and Chris Evans is some nice man candy, but the whole friends falling in love thing is starting to get a little old. I haven't even seen the other two (friends with benefits, or the other one, haha) but I think we can count on a slightly different twist for this flick, I suppose starting with the title, haha. Anyways, enjoy!

Song of the day - Lost in my Mind

Hey Guys! So an earlier post I put up was for seeing the Head and the Heart play October 7th here in Madison. Well, as you may have figured out about me already is that I like to procrastinate. So, I did that in this situation and now the concert is sold out! If any of you can get me tickets to this show I will be in your debt, for realz, lol. I LOVE this band and would be absolutely crushed if I couldn't go. I already put a song by them on maybe last week but check this one out too!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Constant Remembrance of You

I smelled your shirt this morning
I found it lying in a pile, mingled with clothes of my own

I was immediately reminded of you

I drew in your sweet scent,
Let it wash over me like a tremendous thunderstorm
And it sent my memories reeling

Memories of your face
                    your touch
                    your taste

Come back to me and calm my wild thoughts
Thoughts that swirl and rattle around up there
Confusing me and clouding my judgement
Come back to me and part the clouds

I see with such clarity when you're near
The comfort of your scent gives me the strength
To live the life I was meant to live

Luke J Holifield

Trailer of the day - Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

Horror spoof! Soooooo excited!!!!!

Song of the day brought to you by The Kooks

Gotta love the brits!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Missing You

I think about you constantly
   When I'm moving at the speed of light
   or thoughtfully contemplating the meaning of it

At first I was missing your body
   Warm, comforting, symbiotic
And then your companionship
   Fun, adventurous, supportive

But now I miss YOU

I miss you like a sad pup lost among the red woods
Not just your face and the coy smirk you flash my way
But your soul, your entire being

I miss how you make me laugh
And even more how you make me cry
Because at least I know, then, that I'm alive
That I feel the way I feel
And I'm not some empty shell of a man
Hollowed out with no place to call home

I know now what this all means
That there can be someone above the rest
A new category of being with whom all is right
And you can never feel wrong

You are that man for me
But I can only hope that I am yours

Luke J Holifield

Trailer of the day - Margaret

Ooooo! Limited Release! I like the sounds of that! But even more so, the sound of Anna Paquin, Matt Damon, and Mark Ruffalo in a film together just gives me the shivers! Hahaha, enjoy!

Song of the day brought to you by Rise Against

This song speaks for itself! Enjoy :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trailer of the day - Dream House

From the man who brought you Brothers and Get Rich or Die Tryin' comes a new psychological thriller! It looks soooo sweet guys! Naomi Watts, Daniel Craig :), and Rachel Weiz! Comes out on Friday, I don't know about you but I LOVE a good psychological thriller and this one shows some promise!

Song of the day brought to you by The Yeah Yeah Yeah's

Brianna got me to fall in love with this AWESOME band. Karen O is one of my idols and I aspire to be the kind of performer and musician she is.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Song of the day brought to you by The Hives

Check this site!


Society's Problems

I wrote this on a Sunday, fall semester of my freshman year at the UW - Madison when I was depressed as fuck.  

This is what came out.

Society is an interesting thing. You’re required to fit a given mold, to become something or someone that has purpose and knows what’s right and what’s wrong. This is completely lost on people that don’t. The people that don’t fit this mold and who are drowning in the oppression that no one will identify; the oppression that no one will recognize and address. I wanted to fit that mold, to find myself and be happy. Be happy with who I am, what I’ve become, and what I’ve accomplished. But I’m not. My greatest fear in life is that I’ll end up alone. At the end of the day I’m afraid I won’t have that one person I love unconditionally and loves me back. The one person I can tell anything to and won’t judge or ridicule me. Someone who, when they tell me everything is going to be all right, I believe it. I’m afraid I’ll never wake up and see the face of that person who completes me; the person that fits into my life like a well-worn pair of chucks.

I feel that it’s harder to meet this person in our society. Fear of the unknown is such a problem it threatens to overwhelm and even destroy us. People can’t stand change and even if they don’t mind it or they tolerate it, they’ll never understand, and you’ll always be what you were trying so hard to avoid - different. People can never understand someone who doesn’t fit this mold. They’ll react in ways that cause crippling pain. The stress of all of this is so strong that it can consume a person to the point that they don’t even know themselves when they find it. The only thing that person will see when they look in the mirror is that same old mold. They’ll only ever see what society has pressed upon them. Knowing this can destroy you from the inside out; make you think there’s no point to life. Where’s any of this going? If I don’t fit a mold, what will become of me? Isn’t solitude inevitability? Even if we do find that person we can talk to, won’t we just push them away so that we’re alone again? How can we prevent that from happening? I’d like to believe that when I find that person I’ll hold on for dear life and never let go, but then again, being FUCKED makes everything that much more difficult. Now, I’ve been told with certainty that there’s a person out there for everyone, maybe even more than one, but I’ve been told you will find that person in your lifetime and right now I’m just too “young” and don’t “understand”.

But I can’t help but think at what point does it stop? At what point does the FAKE happiness end and the REAL happiness begin? Society makes it SO difficult to be different. You can only find happiness by deserting everything you used to know and believe; everything that you were taught and heard growing up. All of this has to be discarded to make way for what our lives really are – the people who are FUCKED up and SCREWED up to the point of not knowing WHO they are. In order to figure that out we have to let go of ALL we know. But once we know who and what we are there’s NO going back. This is EPICALLY difficult so, yet again, the vicious cycle of society continues and we’re trapped with no way out and no way to make a real difference. We’re trapped with the lives that society deems UNFITTING and causes those we love to lose faith and fight with what they believe. We’re FORCED to live an unscheduled life knowing the whole ride is a complete JOKE. Our fucked-up-ness runs so strong that we have our OWN society. This is an AMAZING society filled with the care-free-ness of people who’ve newly discovered the other side. But this new society has its DANGERS; ones that people like us are drawn to. So in the end there’s nothing left for us but a whole new level of SHIT that’s been FUCKED UP. We dig ourselves a hole SO deep we don’t know which way is up and we’re left thinking all of this; DOOMED to be SO scared of the future that the future isn’t worth living for. All those what if questions don’t faze you and all that you see is what can’t be seen by anyone else.

Feeling forever lost until our life is complete in the arms of another.

But then again, we get something that everyone else doesn’t…

Luke J Holifield
Fall 2007

Poem given to me by Kathy, this has helped me immensely

Please Hear What I Am Not Saying